wrisk Pitch Deck

Wrisk combines Insurance and Technology in one simple app. Starting with contents insurance, Wrisk expands its offering to serve the insurance needs across different aspects of people’s lives. From motor to travel, health to professional, Wrisk will bring everything together into one simple plan that can grow with its customers. Customers aregiven a Wrisk Score which provides the information they need to understand their risk. The more information provided, the more accurate the score becomes, empowering customers to get a better score and reduce their premiums. They can update their details and manage their policy any time, anywhere and it takes effect immediately. Wrisk plans to engage not only those who are already insured, but also people who’ve never bothered with insurance. Working with partners such as BMW, Hiscox, QIC, Bupa and Munich Re, the Wrisk team captures both existing market share and builds an entirely new mass market too.