sourceeasy Pitch Deck
Sourceeasy is building a global framework to power apparel manufacturing and distribution. That framework consists of: -digitizing styles and its components to a mix-and-match array. -powering volume to create predictable vendor and factory behavior. -building a SaaS platform to automate manufacturing and distribution of apparel. TheSourceeasy platform indexes every style of clothing we make the first time and puts it on "Speed Dial" to vendors, turning garment production into a simple mouse click. We turn small batch, quick turn manufacturing into a predictable, repeatable, scalable process for Brands and Retailers in the $300B Fast Fashion Industry. Sourceasy was launched by Pranay Srinivasan, and Chirag Chamoli, in March 2013 and is operated from San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Shanghai, Hyderabad and Ho Chi Minh City.